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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Third day after surgery...the sacrificial chair

Today I got a lot of work done in my laptop at home.  At night I use pillows to sleep with my foot elevated. During the day I move to the living room.  The key is to keep your foot above your heart as much as possible.  I am getting pretty good at typing in a nearly horizontal position with my foot above the pillows.  I use the crutches for taking care of my basic needs. Did I mention that I am getting pretty confident with them?.  This afternoon, in my way to getting the laptop charger from the bedroom, I lost concentration for a second.  My right crutch got stuck in the bedroom carpet and I lost my balance. To avoid putting weight on the cast or free falling on my face, I managed to launch my body towards a soft chair that we have at the foot of our bed. Needless is to say that I flattened the poor thing.  I also got a few minor bruises here and there.  Moral...your laptop charger can wait until your wife returns home. And yes...I did get the wheel chair delivered this evening but I will talk about that chair later when my new aches subside..


  1. Definitely you need to wait for your wife:)

  2. right! you better wait for help to aviod having more accidents trying to reach chargers, adapters or anything. haha.

  3. I know...funny thing is that I have a bruised rib and right ring fingertip to remind me of this :)
