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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Second day after surgery

Today I went back to the doctor for a follow up visit after my Achilles tendon surgery.  I woke up rested and feeling good. I took a nice shower covering my soft cast with a garbage bag and securing it with a rubber band.  My wife helped me get to the car with the crutches although by now I am getting pretty good with them.  My appointment was at 10:15 am and when we got there they quickly called my name. I was anxious to see my foot and the wound.  The nurse proceeded to remove the soft cast and I saw it.  My foot was not swollen at all and there was a neat about four inches long wound in the back of it covered with a nearly transparent tape. My foot was not pointing too much which was also good and it looked pretty aligned to me.  The nurse then carefully made a hard blue cast around my foot and we were done.  My next visit is in one week.  To make things easier I ordered a wheel chair that will be delivered tomorrow.

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